Celebrate Festivity of Ramadan & Hari Raya in Singapore

Eid- al- Fitr also called Hari Raya, is a festival celebrated by the Muslims marking the end of Ramadan, a 29 or 30 day dawn to dusk fasting. This is done to commemorate the elevation of the Quran to Muhammad. During this fasting time, Muslims do not take any food or water during the day time. Food and drinks are consumed before the sunrise (Suhoor) and after the sunset (Iftar).

There are a lot of night markets that are setup for the month of Ramadan to support the fasting and celebrate the festival. Great food, nice music and lit up surroundings add up to make it a perfect place for you to spend your evening. I was lucky to visit two such markets. The first was in Hyderabad, India a couple of years back. Hyderabad is known as the city of Nizams and 30% residents there are Muslims. The entire city comes to life during this festive time.                                          unnamedThe second was Geylang Serai market in Singapore. Here in Singapore, 15% of the residents are Muslims. Ramadan and Eid- al Fitr/Hari Raya are celebrated with full pomp and show. I have been wanting to visit this market for the last couple of weeks since it was setup and finally we made it yesterday.

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A Flower Shop at the Geylang Sarai Market. Love Those Huge Sunflowers

The entire area (including the streets) was radiating and lit up with lights and decorations. The most fascinating aspects of the market was the people! Shop owners and visitors from all race, caste and creed were enjoying the festivity and this was so evident in their smiles!

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A Shop Owner Enjoying Cooking at Geylang Serai
Non Digital Marketing!

Two prominent aspects of the Ismalic culture are lamps and carpets. A lot of shops have been setup here selling such creative art works made by artists around the world.

Beautiful lamps at the Geylang Serai Market
Carpet Shops at Geylang Serai

If you are a foodie, then there can be no better place than this for you to try some local delicacies! With plethora of shops selling multiple options, you are sure to please your taste buds!

One of the numerous food stalls at Geylang Sarai

From the Geylang Serai market, we visited the Malay Heritage Centre and the Sultan Mosque. This area is also full of life from 2 PM to 11 PM these days with live music, lots of shops and phenomenal eating options. Sultan Mosque is very intriguing and has a very fascinating story behind its construction. I will talk about it in a separate post.

Malay Heritage Centre
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Live Music and Laloolang Market at Malay Heritage Centre

Do visit the Geylang Serai market and the Malay Heritage Centre this Ramadan! I guarantee that this will be an experience that you will cherish and you will want to go back again!

Turkish Lamps Shop During Ramadan. Checkout the candle holders. Super AWESOME!

Check out the other things you can do in Singapore!

45 Comments Add yours

  1. I can not believe that this amazing night market is on. Thailand certainly lights up amazingly for this special festive religion.

  2. I loved this post!!! I always stop by in the Singapore airport on my way to Bangladesh and have been curious about the culture, thanks for giving me a sneak peak into it!

  3. Ami Bhat says:

    Seems like a perfect place to be in with Eid around the corner. So much fun and color here. Even if you are not a foodie (which I am not), there is plenty for people like me to see and do.

  4. ljdove23 says:

    Wow this looks amazing! I love places like this that you can wander around with so much to do and foods to taste. I’ve never been but would love to!

  5. Love your photos, one can just feel the festivity of the Ramadan Hari Raya. 🙂 I know how Singapore can get bustling and busy, so this must be one great opportunity to enjoy the city and crowds.

  6. What an amazing experience. The mosque is beautiful!!!

  7. I love coming across cool places like this. Those carpets are just beautiful. Excuse me while I’m swooning!!

  8. The Everyday Mom Life says:

    This place is so beautiful! I love all the flowers and all the activity.So much culture.

  9. Daniele "cycloscope" Giannotta says:

    It really seems a great time to visit Singapore! We’re so sorry we missed on our bicycle trip in South East Asia. Hope to come there one day, maybe right in time for this celebrtations.

  10. HilLesha says:

    I have never been to Singapore, but it looks like a gorgeous place to visit! I love the pictures of the area rugs and lamps, too.

  11. T^hank you so much for sharing! I love all of your photos here! I’ve wanted to visit there for the longest time. Hopefully one day I can!

  12. cvnxena says:

    This looks like a beautiful festival and definitely something we would enjoy doing! We love Singapore but have never seen this so will have to keep an eye out when we go!

  13. I have always found the celebration of Ramadan fascinating. I love that Singapore embraces the religious experience during the day and brings everyone together for a joyous gathering at night.

  14. Chelsea says:

    I would love to try some of that food!! Trying local delicacies is one of my favorites!

  15. toastycritic says:

    It does look so amazing there. I am sure I would love to come out there for Ramedan sometime. From the amazing architecture to the food and the people it would be well worth a visit.

  16. Mallory says:

    Your photos really copent the writing. I love reading about other customs!

  17. Love this post as I love learning about different cultures, and cities. I admit I know a fair bit about ramadan and Eid as I have muslim friends. The celebration looks amazing

  18. Those markets look awesome and I bet during the nights they are rammed with people who have been fasting all day x

  19. Singapore is a place we always wanted to visit. The city looks so welcoming and crowded and we love this. We have noticed that there are lots of markets!!

  20. I never realized the festivals that take place for Ramadan were so amazing. We need those where I live to show the positive energy.

  21. Wendy says:

    Love all the colors at the market. I can’t wait to start traveling to experience places like this. Great photos.

  22. Taxidiara Psichi says:

    I love markets around the world, they really show many elements of each culture. Also, your pics are amazing!

  23. I love finding markets when travelling! Night markets are even better. I bet the lamps at the Geylang Serai Market are magical at night:)

  24. Kristine Nicole Alessandra says:

    I love those rugs! They are so beautifully made and the colors are so vibrant. The food stalls sure have lots of yummy food to try! I wish I was in Singapore right now.

  25. looks like an amazing celebration and time! Thanks for sharing as I did not know it was Ramadan!

  26. The market looks a wonderful place to be in. Its full of happy people and such a colourful photo. A great post, so thanks for sharing!!

  27. Vlad Vaida says:

    Basically a photographer’s dream haha! Everything looks so colorful and on point!! I wonder what prices do all those cool stuff have!

  28. alisonrost says:

    I had no idea these market festivals existed, not that they marked Ramadan. I love the colorful lamps, area rugs, all of the pretty flowers, and the food. As a food blogger, of course the food! x

  29. Prakhar says:


    Great Post. The market is really royal and colourful. I loved the mat designs, those are really gorgeous. I also want to thank you for the recent visit on my blog.


  30. Such a colorful market. There are so many sights and sounds and foods to take in. I had no idea there was a Muslim population in Singapore. So interesting to learn more about different cultures in different countries.

  31. Kristina says:

    Beautiful and fun pictures. I want to travel the world when my kids are older. This looks like a great place to visit.

  32. I remember a high school friend who would take part in this. I don’t know if I could fast for 29-30 days, but I suppose if this is what night time brought about, I might manage. All the food, the colors lighting up the night – this is the type of night life I’d like.

  33. Ana De-Jesus says:

    I have to say I did not know that 15% of their residents were Muslims and I think it is awesome that they have these market festivals to mark Ramadan. I like the sound of the Turkish lamps as well x

  34. Ivan Jose says:

    Your photos look so festive. Honestly, I don’t know so much about these Muslim traditions. I thought it just all about prayers and fasting. I didn’t know that it was celebrated in such a colorful and vibrant manner.

  35. ljdove23 says:

    What a lovely festival this is! I’ve ever been to Singapore but I would love to. The food looks lovely and that’s always a big one for me!

  36. That looks like a really neat place to visit! I think the local festivals in different countries are so worth your time to visit. With our kids almost both in college, hubby and I plan on doing some more traveling, just the two of us.

  37. One day I would love to visit this place. As a photographer there are so many interesting and beautiful things that I could take pictures of there.

  38. dearashblog1 says:

    This looks so cultural, and the food looks absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing this!

    Much love,
    Ashley | dearash.com

  39. themormonadventurista says:

    What a beautiful post! I love your pictures of the lamps and flowers and such. You’re right – those sunflowers are huge!

  40. Rajat says:

    Reminds me of my short but memorable visit to Singapore. Geylang is the area where I stayed and it appealed me for a lot of reasons – the hustle bustle on the streets, the market places, food to mention a few. Not to forget of course, the Sultan Mosque although it was not the Ramadan Season. Another place was good to be is the ‘Mustafa’ where it gets livelier as the evening sets in. Your post just made it nostalgic. Regards

  41. Jessica Joachim says:

    This looks like a lovely visit! What a great time to visit as well. Seems like a fun trip and I may have to add this to my travel bucket list.

  42. Robin Rue says:

    What a lovely festival that is. I LOVED scrolling through all of your pictures! It sounds like something that can’t be missed for people in Singapore.

  43. Karen Morse says:

    It’s always awesome to see how people celebrate holidays in different countries. I think the way that Singaporeans honor Hari Raya is really nice and fun as well! Just look at all the places that you can go to and the food that you can enjoy!

  44. Seems like a really interesting celebration with a lot going on in Singapore. Wish I could be there to see it all

  45. Cassie says:

    This is awesome timing – I’m in Singapore right now. These markets look sensational! The food looks delicious too. Must check it out.

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